I heard the wind, I heard the earth
I heard the cries of a mother’s birth
I heard the stream, I heard the leaves
I heard the bells of Christmas Eves
I heard the sea, I heard the fire,
I heard a song of an Irish lyre
I heard a rock, I heard a stone
I heard an everlasting tone
I heard the frogs, I heard the owl
I heard the hart, the wolf’s howl
I heard the cars, I heard machines
I heard the news, I heard CD’s
I heard despair, I heard delight
I heard an airplane’s roaring flight
I heard the night, I heard the moon
I heard this everlasting tune
And I heard super Countrymusik im Soft-Rock-Style. And the pictures are all beautiful. Thank you for the music, the poem and the pictures.
LG Annelie