The Biggest Treasure One Can Find

Bild zeigt Jürgen Wagner
von Jürgen Wagner

What is the biggest treasure, you can find?
A young man left all things behind
He travelled north and searched for gold
He travelled west and people told:

Help us to work and shut your mouth!
He turned away and rode to south
He reached a village with old men
sitting comfortably – and again

Very frustrated he went away
To the east he took his way
In a small hut he felt harmony
A wise man lived there peacefully

He stayed with him throughout three years
One day, he was verging on tears
‘I must go home!’ he told him honestly
‘I want to ask you, answer truly:

What is the biggest treasure one can find?’
He said: ‘desire nothing in your mind!’
He rode back home and told his wife
No greed for gold and no more strife

I’ll live with you in modesty
In work and peace and sympathy
Let us together find the way
And spread the treasure anyway!'

2016 - nach der (unveröffentlichten) Geschichte von Gerhard Breidenstein 'Das Märchen vom unsichtbaren Schatz'

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